
Freitag, 1. Juli 2011

Ape: Rampage Gen4 Board für TM7 & TM15 Markierer

Ape bietet zu Freude der Szenariospieler ab sofort für die BT Markierer TM7 und TM15 das neue Rampage Gen4 Board an, welches zahlreiche Einstellungen bietet.....

Take your TM7 or TM15 to new levels with the NEW APE Rampage upgrade board. Packed with enough features for any level of play, this upgrade board comes with our latest Gen 4 code release - PLUS a Fully Programmable Selector Switch! You can associate any firing mode to any of the three selector switch settings on the fly! No need to go into programming mode and easy to change. Like all our boards, Gen 4 offers...... *TRUE* programmable burst and *TRUE* programmable reactive modes...

The Rampage board for the TM7 and TM15 is a direct Drop-In replacement for your existing stock circuit board. Turn your board on, use the selector switch to select the firing mode and go play!

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