DXS scheint dieses Jahr noch Großes vor zu haben, daher wurde passend die Website neu gestaltet und eine Presseinformation dazu veröffentlicht. Aber schaut selber auf www.dxspaintball.com
Both Procaps Direct and Procaps L.P. are proud to announce the re-launch of the DXS Paintball website, www.dxspaintball.com. The new website spotlights the ALL NEW DXS paintball line up, which has all new packaging and formulas, along with the ALL NEW 2012 DV2 Shank V.2 paintball pants. Showcased alongside the new product are some of our most popular products like the Vforce goggle systems. Our brand new website is created to be easily navigable and leaves plenty of room for releases in the near future.
The website has plenty of great features to check out:
A field and store locator with international locations coming soon.
Keep up with the DXS Crew and where they’ll be next on the DXS World Tour.
Social media outlets within the DXS Square hosting the latest news and video from DXS.
The DXS Street Team which has downloads for avatars and cool wallpapers for the computer or a phone.
And Bunker Tag! Download stencils to cut out and tag the world!
“This new website is fantastic! Over the next several months you will see many more new and exciting things from Procaps as we strive to keep our fingers on the pulse of paintball.”
- Brian Barno, General Manager, Procaps Direct.
DXS is going to very busy in the future, so keep up with what is going on at www.dxspaintball.com and follow us on our Social Networks to find out when the DXS World Tour comes near you.
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